I gave a talk this week at a meeting hosted by Microsoft and Mitre called the 6th Security Data Science Colloquium. It was an interesting bunch (about 150 people) including the usual suspects: Microsoft, Google, Facebook, a bunch of startups and universities, and of course BIML.
I decided to rant about nomenclature, with a focus on RISKS versus ATTACKS as a central tenet of how to approach ML security. Heck, even the term “Adversarial AI” gets it wrong in all the ways. For the record, we call the field we are in “Machine Learning Security.”
In our view at BIML, every attack has a one or more risks behind it, but every risk in the BIML-78 does not have an associated attack. For us, it is obvious that we should work on controlling risks NOT stopping attacks one at a time.
Another week, another talk in Indiana! This time Purdue’s CERIAS center was the target. Turns out I have given “one talk per decade” at Purdue, starting with a 2001 talk (then 2009). Here is the 2021 edition.
What will I be talking about in 2031??!
BIML Speaks at Indiana University in the CACR Series
BIML founder Gary McGraw delivered the last talk of the semester for the Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research (CACR) speakers series at Indiana University. You can watch the talk on YouTube.
If your organization is interested in having a presentation by BIML, please contact us today.
As our MLsec work makes abundantly clear, data play a huge role in security of an ML system. Our estimation is that somewhere around 60% of all security risk in ML can be directly associated with data. And data are biased in ways that lead to serious social justice problems including racism, sexism, classism, and xenophobia. We’ve read a few ML bias papers (see the BIML Anotated Bibliography for our commentary). Turns out that social justice in ML is a thorny and difficult subject.
We were joined this week by Martiza Johnson, a Computer Scientist and the inaugural director of a new center for data science, AI, and society at the University of San Diego. Maritza assigned us some homework (reading Chapter One and Chapter Four of Data Feminism, this blog entry, and watching Coded Bias), and then led us in a very interesting and far ranging conversation on bias in ML.
We recorded our conversation with Maritza which you can listen to. A video of our conversation is below.
Maritza Johnson leads a conversation on bias with BIML
An important part of BIML’s mission as an institute is to spread the word about our understanding of machine learning security risk throughout the world. We recently decided to take on three college and high school interns to provide a bridge to academia and to inculcate young minds early in the intricacies of machine learning security. We introduce them here in a series of blog entries.
We are very pleased to introduce Aishwarya Seth who is a BIML University Scholar.
Aishwarya is a graduate student at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina. An ardent fan of crime thrillers since early childhood, she has always been passionate about security. When Aishwarya was introduced to Java programming in high school, her interest in security took a turn towards computer security.
The rise of Machine Learning coincides directly with Aishwarya’s study of security and cryptography, the confluence of which fascinate her. After earning her undergraduate degree in Computer Science, Aishwarya worked as a team member of the Clari5 AI/ML team where she focused on reducing the number of false positives detected for potentially fraudulent transactions online.
Apart from pondering different ways to secure the world, Aishwarya likes to read novels, scribble, travel, and explore.
As BIML University Scholar, Aishwarya will:
Examine and document North Carolina State University’s ML security research interests and activity
Examine and document BIML’s ML security research interests and activity
Create a cross reference for joint research interests and activity between NCSU and BIML
Be jointly supervised by Dr. Lauri Williams and a member and BIML research staff member
A $2000 BIML scholarship has been allocated to pay for these activities.
Berryville resident Gary McGraw is founder of the Berryville Institute of Machine Learning, which is a think tank. BIML’s small group of researchers tries to find ways to make technology safer so hackers cannot breach vital — or even secret — information. The institute has received a $150,000 grant from the Open Philanthropy foundation to help further its work.
thinking about Clarke County, farms and rolling hills generally come to mind,
not sophisticated gadgets or high-tech wizardry.
In fact, many parts of the county
still lack high-speed internet service.
But hidden away in the
countryside is a small group of researchers trying to find ways to make
technology safer so hackers cannot breach vital — or even secret — information.
The Berryville Institute of
Machine Learning (BIML) was established in 2019 to address security issues
associated with machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI).
Recently, the institute received a $150,000 grant from the Open Philanthropy foundation
to help further its work.
BIML, a think tank, was founded
by software security expert Gary McGraw plus Richie Bonett, a computer
scientist from Berryville; Harold Figueroa, director of Machine Intelligence
Research and Applications Lab at Ntrepid, a Herndon-based cybersecurity firm,
and Victor Shepardson, an artist and research engineer at Ntrepid.
Artificial intelligence is
brainpower demonstrated by emotionless machines, in contrast to that of humans
and animals which involves consciousness and, in certain instances,
Machine learning, on the other
hand, involves developing computer programs that help machines access data and
use it for their own benefit. The intent is to help computer systems develop
the ability to automatically learn and improve their functions from experience
without being specially programmed along that line.
“Usually, computers are
programmed with a bunch of rules telling them what to do,” McGraw said.
“Machine learning involves enabling machines to recognize certain inputs and
outputs so they can do certain tasks themselves.”
An example of such a machine, he
mentioned, is Alexa, a device developed by Amazon that uses speech recognition
abilities in performing tasks.
“When you’re talking to Alexa,
you’re interacting with a machine learning system,” McGraw noted.
Automatic banking machines are
another example of the technology, he pointed out. So are some types of video
Technology is ever-evolving. And,
“when technologies catch on fast, people forget to secure them properly,”
McGraw said.
That can lead to trouble.
“A bad person may intentionally
trick a system into doing the wrong thing” for personal gain or harm, said
McGraw. “What we’re trying to do at BIML is to make it harder for bad people to
misuse systems.”
Each computer system is unique,
“so they learn in unique ways,” he said. As a result, unique solutions must be
created to prevent potential problems with them.
BIML’s research and
recommendations are placed into the “creative common” so people have free access
to them, McGraw said.
McGraw said the Open Philanthropy
grant will be used for various purposes, including research, recruiting interns
and making presentations on cybersecurity issues at colleges and universities
The institute already has recruited its first High School Scholar: Nikil Shyamsunder, a sophomore at Handley High School in Winchester. He will be involved in curating the “BIML Annotated Biography,” a resource for ML security workers providing an overview of research in that field, including a “Top 5 Papers” section.
As part of his internship,
Shyamsunder will receive a $500 college scholarship.
BIML is based in the Berryville
area largely because McGraw lives there — much of its work is based at his home
— and Bonett is from there.
“It doesn’t really matter where
this type of work is done,” McGraw said. “You don’t have to be physically
present somewhere with people to get the work done. The majority of the work is
done over the internet,” consulting with researchers and AI and ML
As technology evolves, “it’s hard
to anticipate” what BIML will be doing in the future, he said. But the machine
learning field is growing, so demand for services that the institute provides
is increasing, he asserted. Therefore, he expects the institute to be around
for many years to come.
More information about the
institute is online at berryvilleiml.com.
An important part of BIML’s mission as an institute is to spread the word about our understanding of machine learning security risk throughout the world. We recently decided to take on three college and high school interns to provide a bridge to academia and to inculcate young minds early in the intricacies of machine learning security. We introduce them here in a series of blog entries.
We are very pleased to introduce Trinity Stroud who is a BIML University Scholar.
Trinity is a senior at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. She has been programming since middle school, where she cut her teeth on the ROBOTC language. Later, in high school, she learned to code in Python and Java. In college she became passionately interested in the area of computer security.
Trinity participates in her university’s DayZero Cyber Competition Team and represents the USA School of Computing as a Student Government Association Senator. She enjoys participating in security competitions such as National Cyber League and Cyber FastTrack, the latter during which she was named a national finalist and awarded a full scholarship for the Undergraduate Certificate Program in Applied Cybersecurity with the SANS Technology Institute.
In her free time, Trinity reads science fiction novels written by such authors as Robert A. Heinlein, Orson Scott Card, and Anne McCaffrey.
As BIML University Scholar, Trinity will:
Examine and document University of South Alabama’s ML security research interests and activity
Examine and document BIML’s ML security research interests and activity
Create a cross reference for joint research interests and activity between University of South Alabama and BIML
Create a short list (10-15 items) of prospective joint SoC BIML research projects
Be jointly supervised by a University of South Alabama faculty member and BIML research staff member
A $2000 BIML scholarship has been allocated to pay for these activities.
An important part of BIML’s mission as an institute is to spread the word about our understanding of machine learning security risk throughout the world. We recently decided to take on three college and high school interns to provide a bridge to academia and to inculcate young minds early in the intricacies of machine learning security. We introduce them here in a series of blog entries.
We are very pleased to introduce Nikil Shyamsunder who is the first BIML High School Scholar.
Nikil is a sophomore at John Handley High School in Winchester, VA. He has been programming for most of his (short) life and has become keenly interested in Machine Learning.
Nikil organizes and teaches coding camps and also offers private coding classes to his peers. He enjoys participating in a philosophy-based style of debate called Lincoln-Douglass. He is currently competing in the International Public Policy Forum on the pros and cons of AI. He and his team recently reached the Top 16 and continue to compete. Nikil is fascinated by linguistics and has advanced through the Spelling Bee to Nationals twice.
In his free time, Nikil plays the violin, an Indian tonal percussion instrument called Mridangam, and enjoys producing music.
As BIML High School Scholar, Nikil will help to curate the BIML annotated bibliography. This bibliography has become an important resource for researchers working in the field of Machine Learning security as it provides an opinionated overview of work in the field, including a top 5 papers section.
For his efforts on behalf of BIML, Nikil will receive a scholarship of $500 to put towards expenses at the college of his choice.