A visit to IU Bloomington
Sometimes it pays to stop and think, especially if you can surround yourself with some exceptional grad students. On the way to Rose-Hulman, BIML made a pit stop in Bloomington for a dinner focused on two papers: Vaswani’s 2017 Attention is All You Need (defining the transformer architecture) also see https://berryvilleiml.com/bibliography/ and Dennis “the antecedents of transformer models” (which will appear in Current Directions in Psychological Science soon.
The idea was to explore and critique the architectural decisions underlying the Transformer architecture. Bottom line? Most of them were made for efficiency reasons. There is lots of room for better cognitively-inspired ML. Maybe efficiency is NOT all you need.
We did this all over delicious Korean food at Hoosier Seoulmate.
Special thanks to Rob Goldstone who provided the Dennis manuscript and grounded the cognitive psychology thread and to Eli McGraw who conjured up the dinner from thin air.
The Lake Monroe home away from home.