The More Things Change, the More They Stay The Same: Defending Against Vulnerabilities you Create
Regarding the AP wire story out this morning (which features a quote by BIML):

Like any tool that humans have created, LLMs can be repurposed to do bad things. The biggest danger that LLMs pose in security is that they can leverage the ELIZA effect to convince gullible people into believing they are thinking and understanding things. This makes them particularly interesting in attacks that involve what security people call “spoofing.” Spoofing is important enough as an attack category that Microsoft included it in it’s STRIDE system as the very first attack to worry about. There is no doubt that LLMs make spoofing much more powerful as an attack. This includes creating and using “deep fakes” FWIW. Phishing attacks? Spoofing. Confidence flim-flams? Spoofing. Ransomware negotiations? Spoofing will help. Credit card fraud? Spoofing used all the time.
Twenty years ago the security community found it pretty brazen that Microsoft was thinking about selling defensive security tools at all since many of the attacks and exploits in the wild were successfully targeting their broken software. “Why don’t they just fix the broken software instead of monetizing their own bugs?” we asked. We might ask the same thing today. Why not create more secure black box LLM foundation models instead of selling defensive tools for a problem they are helping to create?